Friday, May 25, 2012

Chore #3 - Fully Completed

"Peter!!  What are you doing? I told you not to stomp on the sand like that!!"

Yah!!  All the baseboards (the ones visible anyway) are clean now!!!  It took me about an hour and a half to finish off the rest of them.  There is not much else to report.  It was sad to see how damaged they were in the basement but I guess I shouldn't  expect much else with three boys running around down there most days.  I would love to get them painted - maybe that's a summer job????  

Mrs. January did not take Saturdays off but Will is insisting that I do.  I'm good with that :).  By Monday you will see a new and improved list.  Maybe tomorrow I can post some pictures from the past two months seeing how I am sooo behind in our family albumn.  Have a great weekend in God's hands. 


  1. Today has been a little crazy here with lots of cleaning, planning Emeline's birthday party, library runs, etc. BUT I was looking at all the things I need to catch up on like: Going through all the linens in the linen closet and seeing what I really use and need and what can go. I need the space more than stuff. The girls are outgrowing everything and I need to go through their closets with them because they are packed with outgrown clothes. All this stuff, I hope to do once school is out because I need them around to see what fits and what they hate to wear (usually shoved WAAAY to the back of the closet). You are motivating me! My first major task is washing the walls in the hallway again. I noticed more pencil drawings. Grrrr....and those light fixtures!! The only clean baseboards in this house are the ones in the hallway and entrance and everywhere on the main floor that company can see. LOL

  2. Little bits at a time and we will get there Rose!!
