Friday, February 25, 2011

Peter's Day

Peter thought he would be funny a put my knee socks on over his pants :).

Today was Peter's 4th birthday. He had a nice day that started off with his big brother Ethan cooking up some pancakes for everyone. Later, some of his friends arrived to help him celebrate.
They decorated cupcakes, ate pizza, searched for chocolate coins, and generally just ran around having fun. The top picture is the best picture I have of just Peter from today. It's blurry but it's a great Peter smile.
We had about an hour after everyone left to re-group and relax and then it was off to McD's with the kids. We HAD to go to the one in Guildford because that's the one that he had planned to go for his birthday for months already. When I was pregnant with Nadia we would drive by on the way to the doctor's once a month and he would say "That's where we're going for my birthday!!". It just looks more fun because of the arches on the outside of the building.
Here are some great Peter quotes from the past couple of days.
"Mom!! the garbage man waved to French!!"
"There's Mt. Cook" (meaning Mt. Baker - I love the mix-up. Cook - Bake get it?)
"On Mt. Baker I can see the door to Mt. Baker's house - its huge!!"
"One really bad flu is the monkey flu, you don't want to get that one because then you die"
Happy Birthday Peter - we love you and may the LORD bless you with many more!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Would I Do?

If I didn't have you?
A sappy love poem this is not
Just reality of my heart.
I would be half of what I am
without you.
You help me so much
and encourage me to go on
when I don't feel like it.

As a father you are right in the trenches.
That only endures me to you more.
Instead of wondering what I would do
I remain thankful and full of praise to our
Father, for giving you to me.
The LORD is merciful to us every day
as we live our lives together
in love and struggle to
be obedient to Him and trust in His love.
Lately, it's been hard with everyone sick (me too!) and you spend time at work
and then work hard at home.
I pray that the LORD will give you an extra measure of His
strength to endure this trial.
Love you Will!!
I pray for you every day.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Here are the Words!!

We went to Green Timbers on a Saturday a couple of weeks ago. It was cloudy and chilly but an excellent day to take pictures. Two years ago we took family shots at the same location with the same weather so it seemed very appropriate. Matthew found bread crumbs on the beach to feed the ducks.
"Oh Dad enough with the camara!!"
Aleana is now officially taller than me and we are very pleased with the young lady she is becoming. She, however, is slightly sad that childhood is being left behind. It is a blessing she feels this way and I am humbled - it means she had a great childhood. This does not mean that Maturity has been reached in its entirety. One can still find her being silly with her brothers, running around with the children in the cul-de-sac and having other moments where restraint is not the order of the day :). Yes, it is a tumulteous time but we love her zany sense of humor, strong fight for justice and kind giving. She is a good friend to those that are blessed with her friendship and what more could we ask for?

Mr. Ethan Faber is also growing quickly. At ten years old he only has 5 inches to reach the height of his mother. What I love about Ethan is his confidence. I wish I could borrow some of it sometimes!!! We have to bring him down to reality quite frequently and continually remind him that life is not a competition. After some initial taming I do believe this drive will stand him well in life. Spiritually, he is growing in knowledge and loves to sing and play piano in worship to the LORD. What is special about Ethan is his giggle - it is so cute!! I won't say who that reminds me of :). Ethan is also learning how to be kind and patient with his brother Peter (not Matthew so much). I saw this the other day when they "practiced" going to the doctor before we went (we've all been sick here) because Peter was scared. Ethan was and still remains our most snuggly child - whatever happens I know I'll always have hugs from and for Ethan.

Okay, who is this crazy kid? Life is never boring with Matthew around. Sensitive, lively, knowledgable and giving are all words that describe our Matthew. Matthew is living proof that if a child has sugar he will be literally bouncing off the walls. Valentine's Day is wrought with candy. "Mom, (big breath) before I go to bed (big breath) I need to touch the ceiling (bouncing on his bed) ten times!!!" So he finished that "I need to do it ten more times Mom!!"
So, it's my fault for allowing too much when I should know better. I cleaned his room up while this was going on...why fight it? Matthew is intuitive and in-tune. If anyone in the family is sad or sick - he's there trying to provide some comfort and support. Right now Matthew is learning how to read and he's doing great - it does frustrate him if he can't read a word but with some more patience he'll do just fine.

Sweet Pete. "Mom, why does everyone give me stickers when we go out?" Because you are such a good boy Peter. And it's true. He has been my most obedient child (so far) and just pleasant to hang out with. If I take him somewhere boring (like the doctor's) he very rarely whines or complains. He just sits quietly with me and we have nice conversation. I like to compare him to Christopher Robin from the Winnie-the Pooh books. I can't explain that - maybe it's because he is very precise and is full of common sense. He reminds me of his grandpa Bredenhof that way which is only appropriate because he is named after him. Peter is a great cleaner-upper and is most well known for his declarations of love.
"Yes, Peter?"
"I love you and I love the baby (now he says Nadia)."
"I love you too Peter."
Peter also likes to snuggle.
More of the lake.

I chose this shot to hang in the living room.
Who is thankful to have a sister?

It was refreshing to get out for a walk!!

This shot is in the collage Aleana and I made.

Nadia's Top Ten.
1) Smiling
2) Eyebrow raising
3) Puking
4) Drooling
5) Rolling from stomach to back
6) Moving 90' if there is something to get at
7) Sleeping 6 hours at night
8) Grabbing your shirt and holding on tight
9) Talking!! "Hi, Ha, Hi, Ha"
10) Slobbery open mouthed kisses

So much to explore!!
Little Miss Nadia dressed in a knitted set from a dear friend.

Nadia reminds me so much of Aleana. The cat naps, the soother, the cuteness, and the colic.
Thankfully Nadia is over the colic stage and now her "gas" only comes once a week or so if I haven't been watching what I eat. I'm getting better at that though!! You learn quick enough - I won't try that again!!
So there you have it - I got to writing the words. My time is up though and I must go.
Just want to say that these are our blessings an they are not perfect but we love them no matter what. Thank you LORD!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's Going On?

I'm not sure who took this picture - it might have been Peter. Yes, I let my three year old use the camara - what can I say?
Sometimes, the children take better pictures than I do :).

Ethan tried out for the W of O annual spelling bee. His first word was Niece which he spelled Nice. He got to stay up there though (for one more round) because she forgot to tell him it was a homonym!!
He went to all the practices and he even practiced at home - what a guy!!
He is feeling better from his concussion but is very annoyed that he can't run around and play as he normally would. The doctor said re-injury at this point is something we do not want and it would compound the seriousness of the situation.

Here is Matthew playing with his friend at the rice table - he is being a goof for the camara as per usual!! It was open house at the school.

"I'm going to eat this Mom!! Really, really, I will!!"

Another Peter picture - isn't it neat to see the world from his perspective? I love the grin Nadia has just for him. This is in the school library - I LOVE libraries!!

Are you going to feed me Mom?

Aleana can't get enough of her sister.

Nadia is always good for Grandpa.

"I don't want to go to bed!"

Matthew and Tyler put on a "show" for all the grandparents.

"Look Mom!! Nadia fits my Caillou hat!"

We love to wear hats!

Nadia in her Sunday best. She usually wears 2-3 dresses on Sunday because Ms. Puke-Alot likes to get them all yucky just after she gets dressed. Oh well, then we have a chance to see her in all the gifts she received before she outgrows them!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Matthew Believes Nadia is Heaven-Sent

This is from Matthew yesterday:
"Mom, I know why Nadia is always smiling!! She still remembers what heaven looks like from before she was born!"
I love his logic. Not sure how theological it is but it made me smile.