Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's Going On?

I'm not sure who took this picture - it might have been Peter. Yes, I let my three year old use the camara - what can I say?
Sometimes, the children take better pictures than I do :).

Ethan tried out for the W of O annual spelling bee. His first word was Niece which he spelled Nice. He got to stay up there though (for one more round) because she forgot to tell him it was a homonym!!
He went to all the practices and he even practiced at home - what a guy!!
He is feeling better from his concussion but is very annoyed that he can't run around and play as he normally would. The doctor said re-injury at this point is something we do not want and it would compound the seriousness of the situation.

Here is Matthew playing with his friend at the rice table - he is being a goof for the camara as per usual!! It was open house at the school.

"I'm going to eat this Mom!! Really, really, I will!!"

Another Peter picture - isn't it neat to see the world from his perspective? I love the grin Nadia has just for him. This is in the school library - I LOVE libraries!!

Are you going to feed me Mom?

Aleana can't get enough of her sister.

Nadia is always good for Grandpa.

"I don't want to go to bed!"

Matthew and Tyler put on a "show" for all the grandparents.

"Look Mom!! Nadia fits my Caillou hat!"

We love to wear hats!

Nadia in her Sunday best. She usually wears 2-3 dresses on Sunday because Ms. Puke-Alot likes to get them all yucky just after she gets dressed. Oh well, then we have a chance to see her in all the gifts she received before she outgrows them!!


  1. Nadia is so beautiful, Gloria! She's really changing already. Peter took cute photos :)
    PS sorry I haven't responded to your email yet- will get right on it!

  2. Thanks for posting more pics. Nadia is growing fast and is such a pretty baby. Peter is a good photographer!

