Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What's Going On?

I see that I am not the only one - blogger will not allow any more down loading of pictures unless you pay ?!!?!?!  Does any one know what is going on?  Will deleting my blogs from 2009 help? 

I've been sewing alot lately and wanted to share what I have been up to. Alas, blogger won't let me. 
I have already downloaded pictures from our holidays and just need to add comments.  Bear with me. 
I realize that sewing blogs are much more fascinating than holiday blogs but I need to get them done anyway.
I guess this is a good way for me to not get distracted from the job at hand!!! 

Hopefully I'll have this problem figured out soon and I can provide some eye candy for everyone :). 

Take care - in God's hands,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

July 9th, 2012 Disneyland Part 3

The whole family going through the Winnie the Pooh ride-it was psychadelic!!

See what I mean?

I loved these mosaics.
The guy on the safari ride was hilarious.

Don't worry Dad I've got it all under control.

"Okay" says Mom "Time for a family picture with everyone together."

I still say that it used to be bigger when I was five!!
One more ride on the carasol on our way out. Doesn't Peter look tired?

Good-bye Disneyland - we had fun while it lasted!! 
We watched the fireworks as we left as we were too exhausted to stick around for them.

July 9th - Disneyland Part 2

A continuation of "It's a Small World After All". 

Okay Dad MAYBE I'm having fun.

All the boys trying to take the sword out of the stone.


All the girls sat this one out.

Goofy was at his house but once again we didn't have time for line ups - we only had 13 hours to do everything we really wanted to do after all!!

On Treasure Island

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

Remember this cute fabric?  Well I have been working on making bottom sheets for the dutch crib we use from Will's parents.  I tried a new technique with no instructions.  Not a good idea.  I spent an hour cutting and pinning a few weeks ago and today was my sewing morning.  Oh the plans I had!!! 
I tried to copy a pattern from an old pair of bottom sheets I had.  Then, I tried to sew the elastic right into the seam as they had it - using a zigzag.  Maybe a serger was a better choice but I don't have one so that was what I did.  Well, after doing the top of one end - it looked REALLY awful so I took it all out and decided to do it the other way with a large seam to pull the elastic through.  That did not work either - something is wrong with the cutting - so much for using an old sheet for a pattern!!  Here's the 3rd and final idea - recieving blankets!!! I'll be cutting the corners off and making everything straight.  You live and learn.

Peter took this picture - I love pumpkin orange. 
Peter hurt his neck this morning from jumping on my bed.  I have not called the doctor yet but almost did several times with all the pain he was in.  Several times I have said "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!!" Do you think he'll have learned his lesson now???  Time will tell. 

Peter fell asleep just as I had gotten all ready to go out to the Remembrance Day assembly at the boys' school.  I was disappointed but soon saw some opportunity so Nadia and I cleaned up the back yard instead.  I then managed to get her to have a nap WITHOUT her soother!!!  Wow!! I was excited I had two children sleeping and didn't feel like sleeping myself anymore.  Well...no sooner did I sit down to Mommy time and Nadia woke up madder than a hornet.  She cried for 40 minutes - maybe now she has the loss of her soothers out of her system and we can move forward!!  Yah right. 

Well tonight is the first night in two weeks that Will and I are both home together - maybe I'll just sit there and stare at him for awhile :).   So yah it wasn't the greatest day but it should end well.
One more thing I do want to mention - the three older children.  Yes, they do still exist and that's the sad part (for me) about sending them to school every day - I don't have as many stories to tell or pictures to take of them.  They are all doing very well in school and must put all their energy into learning because when they get home man do they eat!!  Everyone is very excited about the baby and the whole family thinks it is a boy except for Ethan.  Whatever the case may be this baby kicks ALOT!!! 
Well, that's the end of my rambling - maybe next Friday I'll have some better results to show you.
May you all have an excellent Remembrance Day weekend in God's Almighty care.
Hugs, Gloria