Thursday, November 10, 2011

Painful Playpen Problems

Even though I'm don't know what happened to my pants I'm very interested in these batteries.

There is so much to explore around here, and it's great in November when the sun shines in the kitchen!!

Mom!!! Why are you putting me in the playpen!!

I was just getting started with my exploring!!

Ha! At least I still have there batteries - they taste most delicious.

Okay, they are just not cutting it anymore (but I'll still hold onto them for dear life) - being in here is not what it's cracked up to be.

Yes, I am wailing...

Just for you so you can see how big my new teeth are getting!

This is my "I'll put this crying face on just for you" cry.

Do you like it?

Well, if you are just going to stand there and take pictures all day - I'll just get on with business and start a project of some sort. No use performing if no one responds.


  1. uummm, I don't like to complain and all, but you did promise us daily updates... and so far your daily looks different than my daily.... and you didn't tell us the surprise yet so... as I see it, there is no excuse... ;)

  2. just wait for the surprise
    it can't be too far away....

  3. Okay, Aleana. I will keep looking ;)

  4. Love the crying pictures - too funny! :o)
