Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#3 - Imagination on Fire

Isn't the imagination one of the greatest creations of our LORD?

I love seeing it in our children and I love brainstorming with others to get new ideas.

It is truly a gift, however it is a gift that needs to have the proper channelling or we will suffer for it. An over active imagination can imagine all sorts of things that aren't true.

It can also, imagine any manner of events that have not happened or will not happen.

The danger of what if thinking can result in much un-necessary anxiety.

"Spotting" this thinking in yourself takes practice and time. Next time you catch yourself with an imagination run wild - say to yourself "I spot my imagination on fire". The more you do this the less likely you will engage your mind in this way. Now you have the insight needed to stop it before it even starts.

Have a healthy imaginative day!!!

"Do not worry about tomorrow dor tomorrow will worry about itself"

Matthew 6:34

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