Friday, June 11, 2010

What Are Little Boys Made Of?

Slugs and snails...
and more snails...

Free food.
Escargot anyone?
"I think we have a hundred now Mom!"


  1. Apparently it's not only a boy thing... a week ago our girls had a jar filled with 17 adult snails and two tiny baby ones! The poor things crowded on the lid of the jar, sitting 4 or 5 deep on top of each other! How lovely, hey?! :)

  2. We don't see too many of those around here, but we had LOTS in Langley. Emeline collected them like pets. I told her to leave them outside, but once she took them inside and I walked into her bedroom to see the slime trails up the walls. Two weeks later there was an awful stench in her room of rotting animals or something. I opened her night table and it was full of dead snails. JUST GROSS!! YUCK!! Glad I haven't seen any here yet...probably because we have such low maintenance landscaping here. So nice to see kids so gentle with these creatures. Maybe we need to learn a greater appreciation.

  3. I like your slipper foot in the last picture! ;)

  4. They could have filled up another whole bucket at our house! :o)
