Saturday, September 5, 2009

Looking Out and Building Up

The wood truck has arrived - that means halt anything that was previously being done!

The crane was the coolest part to watch!!

Nothing like a nice truck.

Look how long the arm of the crane goes!

Next came the gravel truck - stop all previous activities!

Notice the neighbor kids in the background watching?
What a noise!

Before we (okay I admit it, Will is doing all the work and I take the pictures :)) laid the gravel.

And after - doesn't it look really really nice? Compared to the dirt pile that is!

And here we are today (in the rain) - building up!!

That's Will's Dad in the red.
They are making good memories...


  1. Looks like the new porch is coming along nicely. Was Dad the only one wearing a hard hat?
    -Adriana Pasche

  2. Adriana,

    Dad had a hard hat on because of the rain. I sported a Tilley instead. Both hats were shed once the weather dried up.

