Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thursday, July 29th

It was not raining this morning so all of us headed down to Long Beach (10min. walk from our campground - Green Point). What fun we had exploring!!
Ethan on top of some rocks.

There were many many tidal pools to explore and each one had different creatures to admire.
That's me in the background and Matthew in the foreground.
We saw a crab in this pool. In five seconds he buried himself in the sand.

This is what we called finger algae. I love the bright green algae surrounding it.

Sea anemones. If you place your finger in there - it will grab it and actually hold onto it.

Lots of mussels everywhere and I'm not sure what the seafoam green creatures are but they were very interesting looking.

More of the seafoam creatures with the starfish.

An hour later this tidal pool was totally submerged.

This was a fort we found on top of the rocks we were exploring.
I did not go up there but the big kids did.

Inside the fort.

The view from the top.

The kids got brave about gently handling the starfish.
The suction cups are so cool!!!

By the fort the kids found wild strawberry plants.

It was surprisingly warm by the water. Looks cold but it was warmer than hanging out by our tent!!!

Lots of driftwood.

The transition from beach to land. It's quite wild.

Matthew found a fort.

More finds.

Thumbs up!

So prim and proper. I won't say how many shots that took.
Camara timers are nice.

The waves are soooo loud and calming at the same time.
More of bright and beautiful.

On the way back through the rain forest.

It rains three times as much there as it does here in the lower Mainland.
Never thought I would appreciate our rainfall numbers!!
A light house in Ucluelet.

This is how Peter went to sleep this afternoon.
The sun was out in Ucluelet!!!

Another cannon we found.

Some sea creatures in the aquarium by the water front there.

This is the aquarium. Small but kept the kids busy for 1.5 hours. Peter slept on my lap on the bench outside.

I love this picture.

In the aquarium.

A sea cucumber. I've never seen a red cucumber before but the shape is the same.


  1. Another great batch of photos, Gloria! Our family is always totally enamored of tide pools. I always enjoy it because somehow James always knows what everything is! We learn so much looking at tide pools with him. For example, James quickly identified your mysterious seafoam green creatures as anemones with their tentacles pulled in. He says they do this when the water level is below them or if something swims past ad they want to suck it in.

  2. Looks like it was a interesting holiday! Great pictures, especially ones with the ocean plants and animals. And of the kids too, of course! Lots of great memories, I'm sure.

  3. Great pictures! Really nice family picture too!

  4. Great shots of the kids and the marine life!
    The tidal pools are absolutely fascinating!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Love from,
    Dad and Hilda

  5. Mommy,
    the sea foam creatures are sea anemones that are closed up because the tide was down.
