Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sooooo Thankful

Today I'm just going to write about how thankful I am for several things - I forget what number I am on for 1000 gifts. I'll catch up later...
Firstly I am thankful for life. I am in my 14th week of this pregnancy and the baby is doing well. I have started to feel little flutterings here and there and it is indeed a blessing. We heard the heartbeat already three weeks ago so we have been very thankful for this little one.
The nausea is not entirely gone and I don't expect it to totally go away (I remain nauseous the entire time) but it is better. Instead of all day long it comes and goes, except if I am extremely tired then it's all day. I am still throwing up but that too is not as often. It may have actually gotten worse but only because my cough has started to act up and that makes me barf. I know - that may have been too much information. But whatever, sometimes I get sick of being sick and just need to express myself :). I see the specialist tomorrow about the coughing and hopefully he'll have a miracle cure for me - tehe.
Back to my point - I am thankful that the nausea is better because that means 1) the number of foods that are appealing to me has increased and 2) I am now mostly cooking all the meals again and enjoying myself doing it!!
Another thing I am thankful for is that most days I feel good mood wise - you know the feeling that even if it's raining you can still sing? I can only give credit to my good Father in heaven for that one!! I have begun to experience that even when I am miserable physically that I can still be joyful inside and happy about everything else in my life. That is a gift and not something I can attribute to anything but the Spirit working healing within. Thank you LORD!!
That doesn't mean I won't have bad days but it gives me hope that they won't last forever - and I mean presently AND looking towards our heavenly home.
Thank you also to everyone who has remembered us in their prayers - it has upheld us and given us strength. We covet your continued prayers and support.
Onto something totally new - any ideas on how to help our 3 year old go through the night without peeing himself? We have a sticker chart and he is progressing but I was wondering if anyone knows of a "technique" or trick that would also help. He seem to struggle the most the first half of the night before we go to bed mostly because he loves water and probably drinks more than he should after supper. I've tried to cut that back but...I just have to get stricter.
Have a great week everyone!!
In the Hands of GOD,


  1. aww Gloria I didn't knwo you were having a baby! Im so happy for you. Congratulations and may God bless your pregnancy :)

  2. When all our kids were toilet trained, for night we limited their liquid intake to one glass of milk at dinner time, and no water before bed. That doesn't always work, but we also took them to the bathroom before we turned in for the night. The kids always woke up enough to go pee, but were still asleep enough for them to fall back to sleep right away!
    Hope it all works out for you, Gloria, and so glad to hear you are starting to feel better! :o)

  3. So happy that this pregnancy is progressing well considering your history of losing babies. Glad you can have joy and happiness between the puking and nausea. That can be really hard to do!! Chris' suggestion above would also be my suggestion. Although it did take Josiah a lot longer than the girls to be trained at night.

    May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and the rest of the family.

    Rose Bredenhof

  4. peeing at night...something I never work on. I have one child that still is not dry, we don't make it a big deal. It can be genetic, I have a family member that had that difficulty and I know of at least one cousin.(maybe this is too much info about others) earse after.
    Christina Arink
    p.s. I stumbled across your blog, thanks for the good reads.

  5. BTW, Gloria, how come your blog is so purdy. :)

  6. I would first try the less water after supper, and taking him to the bathroom before you go to bed. Next to that, just let him be. We have had a few that are able to stay dry at night as soon as they are trained during the day, but have also had some that were wet for a few years. We have used pullups for the ones that have accidents, just so I wasn't always doing laundry. Another thing to try is to make sure he is not too hot at night, as that can also trigger an accident. Hope this helps.

    Glad to hear that you are feeling better. It is wonderful when the Lord grants joy and happiness in your heart. Everything is brighter that way :)

    BTW, have you heard about the grad reunion in July?


  7. Cindy,
    Thanks for mentioning the heat - I never thought of that. We did receive a telephone message about a reunion but that's it. Could you e-mail me what you know? Thanks!!!
