Friday, May 28, 2010

Really Hearing the Words

Today we were in the van
off to Costco.
Our journey had just started and I politely said
"Peter, do you think we could be quiet on this trip and just not talk the whole way?"
I needed some quiet time and it seemed like every time we got in the van lately
EVERYONE had something to say.
This was not the first time in the van today :) and there were three talkative children accompanying me.
Peter masterfully answered me
"But Mommy I like to talk to you" dramatic pause
"I talk to you because I lub you".
I smiled inside and out.
How can a mother say no to an answer like that?
I gritted my teeth the rest of the way and sweetly answered all the
"Mommy?" questions that preceded more questions and comments.
Smart Boy.


  1. sweet. Some day when they move out of the house, you'll be waiting by the phone hoping they will call and ask you questions more often. :) Do you have any pregnancy pictures?

  2. Cool picture! I like quiet in van too sometimes, I don't blame you! Peter sure knows how to pull on your heart strings though hey? Definitely a smart boy. ;)

  3. I remember a Fred Penner song that says, from the child's point of view, "Late at night, when I cry, it means 'I love you'." It's good to remember. :) Also - it helps that Peter is so stinkin' cute!!!

  4. That's cute...made me smile :)
