Saturday, January 26, 2013

One Goal Accomplished!!!

Today is the day I missed the quiliting retreat - wahhhhhh!!!   Okay, now that that is out of my system I feel better.  I decided to take my free sewing day in two (three??) parts.  Today, I used the morning to sew and Will was able to give me about half of that noise and interruption-free.  That was greatly appreciated.  I also have to thank all of the kiddies because yesterday was Pro-D day and we did most of the housework on Friday instead of the usual Saturday.  All good, all good.

I started my blissful three hours by working on the baby quilt as that seems to be priority.  Earlier this week I decided to remove the black borders and square up the rest, hoping that it would solve the bunching problem.  It helped but it did not "fix" the problem the way I wanted it to.  Let's face it - it is not sewn together well.  I couldn't bear to look at it for the rest of the week. 

Today, I started by adding colored borders from the jelly roll to the quilt.  They look nice, they add color but they did not fix my problem.  I guess I'm just hoping for a miracle every time I try to do something to it. 

Picture 017
                 Here is the quilt with the black border.  Just left click on it if you want more detail. 

Picture 044

Here it is squared up (again!) and with colored borders. Once I took the pictures, I thought maybe it still has a chance of being quilted.  Before the pictures I was thinking that I would just cut the top up and make pillows out of it!!!

Picture 046
In this picture you can see where it bunches up in the center by the yellow four square.


Picture 029
So after all my frustration with the baby quilt (one hour) I moved onto making my nursing bib. 
Aleana and I tried to do a photo op with Nadia and the bib.  Here she's being a ham being a baby and "crying".  I can't get the photo bigger without wrecking the resolution.  This is where I got my pattern from:
Our Canine blocker blocked the article in the address there.  I aplogize for it's existence, however I don't know how to give credit without it. 
I didn't follow the pattern 100% - I did my straps the old-fashioned way because I didn't totally understand her instructions.   I am not totally happy with the boning that I bought.  The nice lady at Castle's Sewing gave me the rest of the roll for free so I won't complain as I have enough for at least 3 more bibs.  I'll have to actually start using the bib to see how it is.  Soon, baby soon!!!  

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It was so easy to make and I want to make some more!!!  Not for me but for gifts.

Picture 039

I haven't added the D-clips yet.  I tried one place and they had really heavy ones.  I'll just try tying the straps for now and I can always add the D-clips later if I want to. 

Picture 010
Here's a nice shot of Nemo - our family friendly clown fish.

All in all not bad for a sewing day.  I still welcome any ideas about my bunchy quilt. 


  1. Gloria, I think the quilt looks great! I can't notice bunching...but maybe I don't know what to look for? I like how the print looks like little baby hand and foot prints in some places :)
    Good job on the nursing cover! I followed a tutorial to make one, too...but Amy hated nursing under it, and so I sold it at a school fundraiser. I don't think you need d-clips... don't you just tie it to where you like it and keep it that way? And as baby grows, just loosen the knot and adjust it again?
    I love your Nemo... he is very cute!

  2. Great job on the projects!
    Wishing you the best in the next while as you wait for your youngest to arrive! Praying for a safe, fast, and relatively easy delivery!


    P.S. If any comments came before this, please delete. It took four times to get this to publish. ;-)

  3. Thank you Rose and Lisa!! I thought the same thing about the batiks and the baby hands - :). I really appreciate the encouragement. DV, I am going to try tackle the project on Saturday and just start putting it together no matter how I feel about it. Thanks for your prayers Rose!!!
