Saturday, April 30, 2011

#8 Do Things to Get Well, Don't Wait to Get Well to Do Things

This picture was taken in January when Will and I were sick at the same time. Peter took the picture and told us to make funny faces. Of course, we always listen to him.
That's not why the camara broke - I broke the camara.

Now I am off topic...This spotting phrase takes a couple of seconds or several repeats to understand it's meaning.
It may be hard for you to really "get" if you do not struggle with getting yourself motivated. The concept of "well" here is not just about physical illness (although it can include it) but more about when you are not doing well mentally.When depression or anxiety start to take over it is easy to fall into bad habits of isolating yourself from others and/or not doing any of your usual acitivites.
If you recognize this or if someone close to you notices this early then it's time to do things to get well instead of waiting until you get well to do things. If you waited, you could be waiting a long time. It may never happen if you don't force yourself to get out into the world again. The feeling of motivation may never return until you force it. "Do things to get well!!"
You may not want to, you may really struggle, you may hate it, you may be sick the entire time, you may have symptoms, and it may not be fun. But to do anything is better than to lie in bed and NOT. The more you do any one thing, the easier it will get. It could be something like walking to the park, driving your car, being in a crowd, public speaking, or going to work. It will get better because you are overcoming the fear of doing something you hate.
Once you overcome that fear, your strength returns because an accomplishment has happened.
"Do things to get well"
It's sounds too simple, and it sounds so trite but it works and has worked to help many people. With God's help and through His grace we can become better.
Not perfect, but better.
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak"
Isaiah 40:29


  1. This can apply to so many things in life. Kind of like putting your foot forward in order to get anywhere. Thanks for sharing these.

