Monday, April 25, 2011

#7 Humor is our friend, Temper is our enemy

This is another phrase that I have to say I love, and I have used frequently.

Do you have a sense of humor? If you do you are blessed, because it is something that you can tap into to calm anxiety and tame a temper.

Even if you do not have a good sense of humor so to speak it is something that you can train yourself to use. Sounds impossible but the human condition is such that once you set your mind on something - you can do it. The LORD has blessed man with these capabilities. We can use our minds to control our bodies and its reactions to things. It doesn't mean that WE are in control of the universe - that's God's realm but we are in control of our bodies.

An example of using humor to help your temper would be in a hospital situation.

I used this when I was being induced to give birth to Nadia. They had me holed up in a corner (no windows) on a bed with a small curtain all around. I knew that I was closer to having our baby but I also knew (from experience) that it would be very painful. It was clautrophobic and my anxiety levels were going up.

Will, my husband was there and occasionally the nurse would stop in to see how Nadia was doing in the baby hotel. Everything was going great from a broad view (another spotting phrase I will cover later on) but from my narrow view I was getting warm and sweaty. Once you recognize what's going on - you have a choice - do I want to have an anxiety attack (No!!) or do I want to take control of the situation? Will helped me to take back the control - we started laughing about things and joking it up. Within minutes, the small space opened up, my heart rate lowered as we really focussed on keeping things lighthearted.

Humor is our friend because it calms your nerves, relaxes your muscles (which is especially good for giving birth!!) and it releases all sorts of good hormones for healing.

Temper is our enemy for all the opposite reasons - it wrecks your nerves, tightens your mucsles and releases the flight and fight hormones in your body that over time will cause illness.

Which will you choose?


"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. " Prov. 17:22

" A man's spirit sustains him in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?" Prov. 18;14

1 comment:

  1. This is so true- when I find something funny, like a video on youtube that is being passed around or something, and I laugh hard, I feel so good afterwards! I'll have to tell Nick that part of his job when I'm in labour will be to make me laugh :)
