Saturday, August 22, 2009

Camping on Shushawp Lake

This was our destination...
but we had some hesitation
as the skies were not in cooperation.

Our passengers were still excited
despite the weather that bited.

The rain left us frustrated
but soon it abated.
It left us something funny
before it become too sunny.

Our Peter posed so lovingly
it was hard to decide

Is he looking stubbornly? with a hint of pride?
The mischievous grin reminds me a
little of Uncle Wes' side.
We walked through a canyon to a waterfall...

took memorable pictures...

of all the smaller ...

and the tall.

Here's a homemade wasp trap
made by Matthew in a snap
with some of Dad's old beer
the wasps were all
too happy to drown in there.

Catching mice took some work
around our campsite they did lurk.

Helping set up the shelter from the rain
and wasps that were such a pain.
This made Mommy very happy
to feel dry and not so crabby.

Bike rides were lots of fun
for absolutely everyone.
once all the work was done...

Waterslides were fun on a cloudy day
the line ups were fast I say.
Ethan bought a snorkel which
he enjoyed one day in the sun.

Would you like to buy a merboy anyone?
He's lots of fun.

More of Margaret Falls.;
Matthew didn't go into the cave,
but Daddy did so he could wave
to all his fans with a song
not to disappoint the
cheering throng.
Our last day we lit a fire
hip hurray
it was so dire
without the crackling, red pyre.


  1. Hi, Gloria,
    Wonderful to view and read about your holiday at Herald Park. Looks like you had a pretty good time! I agree with you that there's a bit of Wes in Matthew when he sports that grin!
    Dad and Hilda

  2. Even with the rain, looks like a great holiday, checking out the sights. Hope you're all dried out now! :o)

  3. Great pictures! Love the cave in the waterfall, how cool is that? Peter is so cute, need to see you soon!
    Love Michelle

  4. I love reading your posts Gloria -- you have a knack for poetry! :o)
    Great photos!
    We need to get together sometime soon and catch up...

  5. Nice pictures! Glad you had a good time in Shuswap! Yes, that grin on Peter is a Wes grin alright! :) Take care!

