Tuesday, July 7, 2015

On-the-Go Bags

I got this idea from this great blog and instead of just admiring these ladies I decided to DO it. 
I am not sharing so you can see how generous I am but rather I would really love it if this idea went viral and everyone I knew started to do this.  Wouldn't that be great?  
Jesus said that when we clothe others, feed others and love others we are clothing, feeding, and loving HIM.  As mothers, we do this ALOT (feeding, clothing and loving part) with our children but this is something tangible that we can use to show the children how to give and not just receive all the time. They can learn how to do this!!  In fact, they are more willing, eager and ready to give these away then I am - I am still hesitant and nervous about it :).  
So....here's how you do it.  This bag is intended to be kept in your car and given out when you can SAFELY hand it to someone begging at the intersection or on the street.  We gave our first away on Saturday and the man's eyes lit up and he said "God bless you!!"
I included these items:  A water bottle, 2 granola bars, a little bag of cookies, some mints, 2 pairs of grey socks, a wash cloth.  Today, I bought two more items: Fruit Leather and Sesame Snaps.  
You don't want to include chocolate unless it's winter and you know it won't melt :).  

Here it is all packed up into the ziploc.  I put two in our van and one in the car (just because I only have room for one in the car). 

I also included a message of Hope.  

I wrote out John 3:16-17 making sure to include that it is from the Holy Bible. 
That way people know WHY you are helping them and that there is HOPE if they seek it out. 
So what do you think?  It doesn't take alot of time and after you do it a couple of times you'll be glad that you did.  We prayed at dinner for the man that received our go-bag and that too is good for the children to witness.  Our God does amazing things with our small gifts.  

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