Friday, October 8, 2010

What I Learned From My Doula

The other night we (Will and I) had a visit with my sister (who will be attending baby's birth) and the doula we have chosen (whom I will call DoulaN). Since our visit both of us are very thankful for the information we have so far received. In fact, I am so excited about it that I wanted to share with everyone here in case it may one day be helpful to you too (and so I don't forget all of it:))

1) Hydration is key!!! After every contraction it is good to have a sip of water or other electrolyte drink to stay hydrated.

2) After being really diligent with number 1 can you imagine what number 2 is? Go pee every hour!! Having a full bladder or even partially full bladder can prevent the head from descending properly.

3) DoulaN is very adament that we can work on baby's position with my posture. Our babies like to lie with their backs on the right side. During labor, this could (not always) result in a Occipital Posterior baby. That means the baby's head comes out face up instead of face down. This usually causes a long pushing stage and a labor that does not have regular contractions. I have had two babies in the OP position. Believe me this is not a fun way to deliver and that the "regular" way makes much better sense - and it's easier.

So last night I sat on my yoga ball for awhile and I also focussed on leaning forward when I am sitting instead of backwards lounging. When I went to bed the babies bum was on the left (yah!!) but by morning had swung to the right again. I'm not sure how much swinging will happen here (for the next whole month) or if eventually baby will settle one way or the other as the head descends.

4) We also discussed what I like best during labor. I had to think about that one. Eventually I realized that I like to have encouraging words. Unless my back is really sore, I don't like to be touched at all and it's nice if it's quiet.

5) Another question was - What do you want each of us to do? Good question!!! I had to think about that too but I remember that I need Will to be there no matter what, just for his strong presence and when push comes to shove I need strong focussing words from him. From DoulaN and Sis I need womanly re-assurance and reminders to visualize the baby and encouragement.

6) I also learned from DoulaN that she will strongly encourage me to move around alot during labor and even during transition (pushing) to open things up well. I am most excited about this one because I have always wanted to try different positions but I guess I just gave up because when I delivered our first the nurse just laughed at me when I told her (before transition) that I wanted to squat. When DoulaN asked about this then I had resigned myself that I only know how to push in the stirrups. After discussing this I am happy to try other ways especially if baby is OP.

7) Dinner is ready so I don't have time to go on here but I want to end on this note. This is not something we learned but something that we appreciated about the other night. I was very thankful that Will could be there for the visit because there may be a slight chance our doula can not be there. In that case Sis and Will heard everything that is important to work on and they are very willingly up to the task. It was great for Will and also encouraging for him to hear about all the things our doula will do - he was quite positive and energized by her visit. This in turn encouraged me. Thanks DoulaN - we loved learning from you!!!

To conclude, I have about 4-6 weeks left to pray and work. Of course I will pray and work afterwards as well but you know what I mean :). I really want to focus on imagining the baby and getting to meet the baby for the first time. That's the best part and I want that to be in my head through all of the hard stuff. I will extrapolate (splg) more on this in the future. There is also a spiritual componet to giving birth that I want to explore some more too, as we are all in the Hands of God.

Until then, hugs to you all.


  1. I can NOT wait!!! Super excited (and honored) to be there with you and Will and am looking forward to meeting my new neice/nephew! God will give you all you need to do this!

  2. That must be so exciting knowing the end is in sight and one day soon you will be holding your baby in your arms!!! :o)
    Praying all is well and will continue to go well during the remaining weeks and through delivery and after!
    (hugs) to you!
