Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ordinary Lives

There was an ordinary family...

Who in their spare time practised archery,

Practiced the art of quilting and sewing,

Practised their Christianity in subtle,
not always noticeable ways,

Who loved to read and study books (of certain subjects, not others),

Who were also disciplined at certain times in their lives because
they didn't listen, didn't obey or decided to do things
their own way :(.

Who could also enjoy a sense of humor that brought much laughter.

Who practiced the art of science by doing many spontaneous experiments.

Who practiced the art of gardening and reaped the rewards of such work.

Who had an unwavering leader, who was strong but in a cool way,

Not the cool, you would expect from the clothes he wears,

A family who practices co-sleeping,

but not from a conscious decision to do so but rather accidentally...

A family who sticks together, plays together, prays together
laughs together, and works together. Ever together, even in their sleep.


  1. How come I missed this post before! it, especially the last co-sleeping picture. Sweet!

    Rose B.
