Thursday, March 8, 2012

Will's Graduation from BCIT

On February 16th, 2012 Will was honored a Degree in Technology from BCIT with distinction.
He would never say that himself, he doesn't talk about it alot - neither did he want to go to the ceremony because that's how he is about it.  I had to almost drag him there!!!  However, I felt it was important for the chidren to see and experience the event and realize that hard work does come with a reward and that it is blessed.  The whole family has made sacrifices over the past 7 years and so in a way it was a degree for all of us.  We didn't arrive late but REALLY we should have been there WAY earlier.  At 6:45 already there were no more seats in the church.  They offered for us to sit in a room off to the side to view the ceremony on a big screen.  "No way Jose!!"  Is what I said.  I wasn't going to settle for just watching everything from a TV screen.   

Soooooo...with five children in tow (yes, I insisted that ALL the children come along to witness their father's graduation) we made our way up to the balcony and found ...

this deserted corner on the stairs where we could all hang out.
The seating was a good number of feet (like ten or more) away from the stairs so that we didn't bother anyone.

Peter and Nadia lasted for about an hour (the guest speaker was good but too long) and then I took them downstairs.

At that point I had resigned myself to missing the whole thing and I was just thankful that the older children could witness it. 

I managed to sneak in and get this shot - thankfully he was sitting at the back.

Then...I was shocked!!!  We went to find him a second time and his seat was empty - could it be that he hadn't gone up yet?  Yes, we found him in line to get his degree.

Oh Gloria stop making such a big deal out of this - I didn't even want to come here!!!

That's my man.

So I snuck back in at the back and tried to get a good picture but this is the best I could get.

One of the organizers was kind enough to take a picture of all of us - notice how the two youngest have rosy red cheeks?  That's what happens when it's two hours past bedtime. 

We went to Timmy's after for donuts to celebrate and that was the end of a very eventful and exciting evening!!! 
Congratulations Will - we rejoice with you in this blessing. 


  1. Congratulations Will!! you too, Gloria and family. What a wonderful way to cultivate respect for their father, by seeing him reach a goal and celebrating it together.


  2. Great pictures!! Will has worked hard! Ryan is still upset he wasn't invited. :)
