Monday, July 11, 2011

Feeling Prayer

This morning at breakfast this is a conversation that went on between Matthew and Peter:

Matthew: It feels like someone is praying right now.

Peter: Maybe it's the fish tank.

Matthew: No, silly! Fish don't pray!!

Peter: Yes them do!! You don't know that!!

There was more after that but unfortunately I can not recall it. I was just in giggles.

My question is this: What does it feel like when someone is praying? Calm? Quiet? Serene? Peaceful?

What a beautiful metaphor!!!

This from our intuitive child.

And Nadia has this to say about it all....

My brothers are so eye-opening.

Peter took this picture upon his toes and some art work.

Peter also wanted to take a picture of Matt's picture on the fridge.


  1. Nadia, Nadia you are so cute! Can there be a cuter baby?? I don't think so...

  2. Oh, that picture of Nadia is SUPER cute! What a sweetie!

  3. LOL Michael and I had a good laugh over Matthew and Peter's prayer conversation.

