Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thank you!!

As I sit here in my pajamas I just wanted to thank
for caring and giving advice.
Today, I thought the children need a visual reminder
that I am SICK.
So it's been jammies and couch
for me today and for one more hour.
I promised myself I could be sick until at least 3 o'clock.
At which time I will get off my kiester and take a shower.
Then I will round up the troops and we will tidy the house
for Grandpa and Grandma.
It's good to have motivation and it's a blessing to have time
to read and pray and just smile at the ones I love.
Yesterday, I had a huge pity party for myself
believe me, there were cans, bottles, streamers and ballons everywhere.
What a pity and a waste of time - it's back to the gratitiude journal!
Time to have a nap yet - maybe :)
Thank you LORD for rotten sick days to show me my weaknesses and peaceful sick days to show me your mercy and grace.


  1. I hope you feel better soon Gloria and good for you for taking care of yourself.

  2. Don't feel guilty for giving your body and mind a break! Hope you feel better soon!

    Rosie Posie
