Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Friday - Manning Park

We started off the day in a good way - at 8am we had a bear visit our campsite!!

Read campsite - not campground!!

In this picture you can see him abit better. He was smaller, most likely a teenager and definitely not ferocious. The kids weren't even scared and were mad that I made them all get in the van. "He's harmless Mom!! What are you doing? Why are you pushing me in!! You don't have to push me Mom!!" "Yes, as your mother I am the mother bear of this family and I will protect you like it or not!!" Will, of course, was protecting us even more by taking the appropriate pictures for posterity sake, but do note the axe in the foreground. Once all records of the event were taken he then proceeded to yell at the non-ferocious beast which the bear found puzzling, perhaps alittle startling after awhile. Thus, he decided it would be best to scamper off.
The children were sad to see him go - I was too (but also relieved).

The beginning of our hike down Orchid Trail (we missed seeing the orchids).

Our next hike was on Beaver Pond. We didn't see any beavers.

Are you noticing a trend here?

Hi Peter!! We love your smile!!

At beaver pond.

We found Wild Alberta Rose.
(pretty sure anyway...)

I love all the shades of green.

We saw a deer that day too!
Mule deer.

Yum, this is delicious!!

I hate the paparazzi!!!

Putting Nadia to bed. It was more comfortable and quiet to nurse in the van.

Wierner roast time!! Our last night.
On this trip we were blessed to be allowed to have a fire every night.

It was great!!

Don't you guys get stomach aches from that stuff?

Just alittle hazardous for your health I would imagine!

Once a year can't kill you can it?

And that's it folks. The next day, we packed up camp, had lunch in Hope and got home by two.

It was nice to unpack slowly and have a quiet evening at home afterwards. We didn't think of taking pictures of our last day so there are none.

All in all, it was a marvelous time in God's wonderous creation.

Thanks to everyone for taking part and having a good time together.

I especially enjoyed playing travel monopoly at night with Ethan and Aleana and all the hiking we did!!


  1. Wonderful memories created! I am glad that you are treasuring all that time with your family.
    Say "hi" to all and miss you all so much!
    Auntie Rose

  2. Looks like it was a wonderful camping trip - and what a beautiful park! Great family time and great scenery - can't ask for much more than that! :o)

  3. Looks like you did lots and had a good time!!

  4. Sigh... looking at these makes me long for summer again already!! :)
    Lisa V
