Monday, June 30, 2014

Generous (?) Gifts

I realized the other day that I still have not followed through on the gift that I promised to the people who were following along with the Spring Cleaning Fail that I attempted in May.  I have three contestants (feels so important to type that!) to chose from and since I am so happy about having those three people join me I am going to send all 3 of you a gift!!!  I know, I know the Cleaning plan was a failure BUT the point is that I made the promise and I will follow through.  I just remembered that there were 2 people at the time who were also following along but had trouble getting their comments to work.  That's okay!!  I will be fair and send those two special folks a gift as well.  This should be fun!!!  I can't guarantee that they will be homemade or that they will even be made by moi.  Just be thankful I remembered :).

Update:  I have been able to complete some of the other cleaning tasks on my list since I recovered from my sinus infection.  What a blessing!!!   I am just not chronicling any of it.  After two fails - I think I give up with that.

Thanks for reading!!!  I hope to be writing more in the future.  I also have my quilt fail that I have to publish - need to share so others don't make the same minky mistakes.  

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