Saturday, March 1, 2014

December Snow Days and William of Orange Christmas Concert

You can see Peter right there in the centre looking at the camara.  Last year he did not want to go in front of all those people and this year he had alot of jitters beforehand but in the end he did it.  

That's Matthew in the blue shirt on the left.  He has a nice loud voice and speaks very well.  
His musical skills, however, are lacking.  The teacher told him to just pretend play on the recorder so he wouldn't through the whole group off key.  He seemed to accept the reality of the situation well and he hasn't stopped trying. That's a good thing.  We have, however, stopped piano after 4 years of getting nowhere.  
That's okay, we are all different and that's how God created us!!!    

I didn't get to go as half of us were sick with the flu but Will captured this on video too and it was really cool. 
They sang "This little light of mine" with battery operated candles. Those southern spiritual hymns are quite spectacular!!  

1 comment:

  1. :D Lack of musical skills runs in the family, I think. Another reason that Matthew is like his Uncle Wes.
