This is not real stained glass (I was told after I took the picture - that it is just plastic) but it looked romantic anyway. We went to visit the Bs in the morning and enjoyed our time with them and their family.
Some foliage we saw by looking from the deck into their backyard. It's a jungle out there!!!
For lunch, we were invited to a church member's home - she lives in downtown Recife in an apartment with her parents. As you can see they were very hospitable and we had a lovely time with them and enjoyed many authentic Brazilian vegetables and meats.
Notice the Canadian flag especially for us???
At the end of the visit we were given these beautiful flowers - too bad we couldn't take them back to Canada!!!
These little pineapple plants are called "Mother-in laws Ear" (or tongue??) .
We saw these upside down Christmas trees in the lobby for the apartment building. There must be a story behind that.
On our second last day we are starting to look a tad brown wouldn't you say?
I read in a christmas issue of readers digest that originally christmas trees were hung upside down from the roof or in the chimney. I'm not sure why though.