First off I would like to say that I love having the kids at home. It is busier and crazier but I love it!! We had been blessed with off and on again rain so that meant alot of playing outside in the muck and water. The little boys will find things to do in the yard that involve kingdoms, hunting, soccer balls, obstacle courses, worms, and building forts. How can I let the rain stop them? It also meant that some rooms were spring cleaned (A and E) and some of my cupboards were cleaned out (a good punishment for calling siblings bad names).
We also had a guest stay with us last week - J. He is Matthew's age and he was such a good guest to have, an excellent partner for M. Matthew tends to be unfocussed and will be all over the place. He's a leader but quite a disorganized one at this point :). J. will correct him and say "Matthew!!! You are just not listening to me!" - and I can step in here (great teachable moment yah!!) and say "Stop for a second here Matt and listen to J., you need to hear what he is saying.". The amazing thing is that he will stop and he will listen and they work out their differences.
There was another time when Matt was having a total melt down about something J. walked away from him and said" I am not playing with you when you act like this". J. went in the house and he had my full support. After that the melt down morphed into "you should get J. in trouble because he hurt my feelings!!" I kept telling him that it may have hurt his feelings but J. was not in trouble because when you have a temper no-body needs to put up with it. Well, it took a half an hour but eventually he seemed to understand the concept and the temper stopped. WHEW!!
As you can see, we did not go anywhere or do anything of an exciting nature (if you write for Parenting magazine). What we did do did have significance though. We did at home normal things - TOGETHER and I am happy with that.
It has taken this week with everyone home for me to realize and remember how much more energy and mental stamina it takes to have 5 children around you all day long, every day. It makes me thankful for the days that we homeschooled but also thankful now the oldest three are in school. I miss our homeschool but I am really confident that for our family right now this was the right thing to do and maybe one day I will homeschool again - in the official sense of the word.
Any type of learning at home is homeschooling and we should all be doing it to a certain extent.
Teaching our children the ways of the LORD in everything that we do and say around the home - that should just be an outflowing from our hearts. Thankful hearts that want to serve him.
Have a blessed Spring Break!! Tune in next time to find out what we did the second week :).
Maybe I'll actually put them in the van and take them somewhere. Wohoo!!!
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