This picture was made by J. Miguel - we know someone with a similar name so we took a picture.
The beach in Maceio about 7 in the morning.
I'm looking out at the city from the back of the hotel.
More views of the city behind the beach.
The back alley behind the hotel.
Raw sewage in a gutter close to the school we visited - yuck!!
I took this picture to show our children how much they have to be thankful for.
Happy boys at Escola Crista Joao Calvino in Maceio.
The principal here is an amazing man.
More happy children.
We smiled when we saw this display with Reformation Fathers all over it.
The girl in the pink had an ATT-TI-TUDE - you can tell by the look on her face.
She asked us all sorts of questions about Canada - we enjoyed talking to her.
This is a volunteer we found in the kitchen. She had just received a gag gift of a toy cell phone.
"hey the gringos want to take our pictures!!"
The main foyer from where all the classrooms come off of.
The principal's wife is also a teacher.
What can I say other than - future quilt???
We found some nice art work again.
The computer lab.
Maps of Brazil.
The library.
In deep discussion in the library. It was helpful that the principal's english was really well spoken.
This class sang a song for us - what an honor!!!
I just have to say it again - beautiful children!!!
The colors in Brazil are very eye-catching.
The side between the school and the church.
Some nice garden plots were planted by volunteers along the side as well.