Peter thought he would be funny a put my knee socks on over his pants :).
Today was Peter's 4th birthday. He had a nice day that started off with his big brother Ethan cooking up some pancakes for everyone. Later, some of his friends arrived to help him celebrate.
They decorated cupcakes, ate pizza, searched for chocolate coins, and generally just ran around having fun. The top picture is the best picture I have of just Peter from today. It's blurry but it's a great Peter smile.
We had about an hour after everyone left to re-group and relax and then it was off to McD's with the kids. We HAD to go to the one in Guildford because that's the one that he had planned to go for his birthday for months already. When I was pregnant with Nadia we would drive by on the way to the doctor's once a month and he would say "That's where we're going for my birthday!!". It just looks more fun because of the arches on the outside of the building.
Here are some great Peter quotes from the past couple of days.
"Mom!! the garbage man waved to French!!"
"There's Mt. Cook" (meaning Mt. Baker - I love the mix-up. Cook - Bake get it?)
"On Mt. Baker I can see the door to Mt. Baker's house - its huge!!"
"One really bad flu is the monkey flu, you don't want to get that one because then you die"
Happy Birthday Peter - we love you and may the LORD bless you with many more!!